
StoJ and Modelling of Biochemical Pathways

R vs A

In 2004, I was able to attend BioConcur ‘04. This led to some interesting thinking about alternative1 possibilities for modelling biochemical reactions, the meaning of bisimulation in process-based models of reactions, approaches to representing uncertainty in models, the choice of representation of state and concentration, and the need for a good model of reaction compartments.

A few weeks after the conference, these thoughts crystallised into a new join-calculus-based programming language, StoJ2, for exploring description, simulation, and visualization of biochemical systems modelled as concurrent, rate-limited processes.

The StoJ system

I’ve written a little about StoJ on my blog and on the LShift website:

The language

The language is a polyadic, asynchronous stochastic π calculus with input join and no summation. Reaction rates are associated with a join instead of with a channel. The README describes the language syntax very briefly.

Here’s a simple chemical equilibrium model in StoJ:

// A simple H + Cl <--> HCl model,
// similar to that in Andrew Phillips' slides
// with numbers taken from his slides.
// See http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~anp/spim/Slides.pdf
// page 16.

new !h, !cl, !hcl . (
  rec ASSOC.  h() & cl() ->[100] (hcl<> | ASSOC)
| rec DISSOC. hcl() ->[10] (h<> | cl<> | DISSOC)
| h<> * 100 | cl<> * 100

Note the rates enclosed in square-brackets after the arrows on each join.


See the main article for more complex examples and for information on using StoJ to simulate the behaviour of a particular process.


Krebs Cycle, courtesy of http://www.uic.edu/classes/bios/bios100/summer2003/kreb3.gif
Simple chemical equilibrium visualization

Besides charting the concentration-against-time data that the StoJ simulator produces, the system includes a simple algorithm for automatically transforming a process description into a a visual form reminiscent of standard biochemical reaction schematics. The picture on the left is a diagram produced automatically by StoJ from the HCl model above; notice how the cycles in the diagram correspond to the process’s reactions. Compare to the picture on the right, a standard, hand-produced diagram of the Krebs cycle (taken from this site).

Where the project went

StoJ hasn’t been developed any further since that initial burst of activity. It’s possible that using a join-calculus approach to biomolecular modelling is an idea worth following up on, but I haven’t had a chance to revisit it.

The broader project that provided a space for us to engage in this kind of thinking ended a few months after StoJ was produced, helping provide a foundation for the bioinformatics startup that commissioned LShift to help research pi-calculus-based modeling of biochemical pathways and investigate logics for describing whole classes of biochemical pathway.


The code is a CGI-driven application in an unholy combination of OCaml, Python, and Java. Stoj is currently hosted on github:


Priami C, Regev A, Shapiro E, Silverman W. Application of a stochastic name-passing calculus to representation and simulation of molecular processes. Information Processing Letters. 2001;80(1):25-31. Available at: http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0020019001002149.

  1. an alternative to the approach taken by the stochastic pi calculus of Priami, Regev, Shapiro and Silverman; see the BioSPI webpage for details. 

  2. For Stochastic Join calculus. Never let computer scientists name things! 

  3. mostly me and my colleague Michael Bridgen