HTML email from Squeak using Seaside
This page is a mirrored copy of an article originally posted on the (now sadly defunct) LShift blog; see the archive index here.
Tue, 8 September 2009
Recently, as part of a Seaside-based application running within Squeak, I wanted to send HTML-formatted notification emails when certain things happened within the application.
It turns out that Squeak has a built-in SMTP client library, which with a small amount of glue can be used with Seaside’s HTML renderer to send HTML formatted emails using code similar to that used when rendering Seaside website components.
sendHtmlEmailTo: toEmailAddressString from: fromEmailAddressString subject: subjectString with: aBlock | m b bodyHtml | m := MailMessage empty. m setField: 'from' toString: fromEmailAddressString. m setField: 'to' toString: toEmailAddressString. m setField: 'subject' toString: subjectString. m setField: 'content-type' toString: 'text/html'. b := WAHtmlBuilder new. b canvasClass: WARenderCanvas. b rootClass: WAHtmlRoot. bodyHtml := b render: aBlock. m body: (MIMEDocument contentType: 'text/html' content: bodyHtml). SMTPClient deliverMailFrom: m from to: {m to} text: m asSendableText usingServer: 'YOUR.SMTP.SERVER.EXAMPLE.COM'.
The aBlock
argument should be like the body of a WAComponent’s renderContentOn:
method. Here’s an example:
whateverObjectYouInstalledTheMethodOn sendHtmlEmailTo: '' from: '' subject: 'Hello, world' with: [:html | html heading level3 with: 'This is a heading'. html paragraph with: 'Hi there!']
On 8 September, 2009 at 6:45 pm,
wrote:On 8 September, 2009 at 6:58 pm,
wrote:You know about the cascades syntax, right?
On 8 September, 2009 at 9:50 pm,
wrote:@Duncan: yes; why do you ask?
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