Exporting Squeak Presentations to HTML+PNG
This page is a mirrored copy of an article originally posted on the (now sadly defunct) LShift blog; see the archive index here.
Wed, 10 May 2006
I’ve been using Squeak’s BookMorph to assemble presentation materials recently, but there’s been no way to export the presentation for the benefit of those without a Smalltalk image - until now. I just implemented a trivial little method on BookMorph that exports all its pages to PNG files, and writes a small HTML index file.
Here’s one I prepared earlier:
(the presentation itself isn’t done, and won’t mean much outside LShift at the moment, but it’s enough to demo the idea.)
Here’s the method I wrote:
| fileName indexPageStream |
'Exporting ', pages size printString, ' pages to PNG'
displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
from: 1 to: pages size
during: [:progressSetter |
pages doWithIndex: [:page :i |
progressSetter value: i.
fileName := self externalName, '_',
(i printStringLength: 3 padded: true), '.png'.
PNGReadWriter putForm: page imageForm onFileNamed: fileName.]].
indexPageStream _ FileStream newFileNamed: self externalName, ‘.html’.
indexPageStream nextPutAll: ‘<html>…</html>’.
“html and javascript elided - have a look at the example.”
indexPageStream close.
What’s wrong with LaTeX and Beamer then? ;-)